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Customer Reviews

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Skyrocket Sales - to the tune of $1.2 Million

The average software deal, across the industry, is $98,600. The average closing rate is 20%. That means you need an average of 5 leads for one closed deal. The only question is - how many deals do you need a month? Do you have that now? Why not?

Turn prospects into loyal, paying clients

You have so much expertise. Why not capitalize on it? With us, you will.


Your Unique Useful Insight. Our Experience and Unrelenting drive.

Put those two together - and what do you get? The most potent lead generation money can buy.

Software Lead Generation by a Former SWE, PO, PM

We marry an in-depth understanding of development with marketing expertise to bring results unlike any other.


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in one place

Access all your customer reviews, for every location, from every source, in one dashboard.

Customer Experience Done Right

A Flexible Solution With

Lots of Advantages

Omni Mind Solutions is the only comprehensive platform for customer experience that offers a range of products that scale with your business. Book a time to chat with a Product Specialist to see how Customer Reviews can help impact your business.

Simple Tech For Easy Collaboration

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We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.